Thursday, March 8, 2012

In Celebration of International Women's Day...

Have you heard of the "Bechdel Test"?  How many films we've seen so far pass this test?

1. There are two female characters

2. Who talk to each other

3. About something other than a man

Can you name a film that meets all three rules (including the stipulation for the first rule that the female characters have to have names?)

What do you think are some of the material consequences of so many films failing this test?

1 comment:

AAS 365 said...

Kill Bill definitely passes the Bechdel Test because it passes the three rules. In Kill Bill, there are obvious two female characters who talk to each other, and most importantly, they talk about something other than a man. While I was thinking about this question, I came up with so many movies that do not pass the test such as, Harry Potter, Avatar, etc. Many movies have not passed the third question, “talk about something other than man”. Interestingly, when two females are having conversation in the film, it is most likely about a man.

Seung W Lim